Reincorporation of the PP. Juan Roberto Orqueida Guaglianone and Miguel Salinas Hernández, CC.RR., to the General House of Sant’Andrea della Valle.

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On Friday, August 20, 2021, Fr. Juan Roberto Orqueida Guaglianone, CR, returned to Rome from the Argentine Republic, where he practically stayed for the last two years, thus becoming part of the Sant’Andrea della community. Valle, to develop his office as Prefect of the General Archive and the General Library of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines.
Once again – as a former guardian of hidden papers – Fr. Roberto has set to work to classify the documents found in our General Archives and thus facilitate access to this area of ??our General Curia for researchers who wish to deepen in the knowledge of theatine history.
For its part, at the beginning of this last week of September 2021, we had the joy of receiving back in our community of Sant’Andrea della Valle, the new Theatine priest Fr. Miguel Salinas Hernández, C.R.
Father Miguel, after a community and pastoral experience at the Casa Teatina San Gaetano in Rome and having received the Sacred Order of the Presbyterate, in Mexico City, on July 12, 2021, will continue to pursue a degree in spirituality and accompany the activities of our House, especially in attention to the lodging of pilgrims who come to stay with us.