Solemn Profession of Brother Santiago Raúl Daue, C.R.

Cargando.. por favor espere...
On Saturday, December 14th, at 8:00 PM, Brother Santiago Raúl Daue, C.R., will make his Solemn Profession at the Sanctuary of San Cayetano in La Plata, located at Av. 44 between 29 and 30.
The Mass will be presided over by Rev. Fr. Pedro Miguel Romero C.R., Provincial Superior of the Theatine Fathers of Argentina, who will accompany Brother Santiago in this significant moment of his religious vocation.
The motto chosen by Brother Santiago for this special day is: “With greater peace of spirit”.
We invite you to join us in this moment of grace! If you cannot be present, you can follow the celebration live via YouTube channel:
Link to the channel here: Teatinos en Argentina @teatinosArg.