Cargando.. por favor espere...
Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine Family, yesterday, the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, we received two pieces of news in this General Secretariat service that invite us to pray as a family.
We transfer them to you as a gesture of charity, because we do not pray out of obligation or commitment, but out of fraternity, and because the Lord Jesus asked us to do so.
United in prayer.
Yesterday, September 21, 2022, the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, Mr. Alberto Salvador, father of our dear brother Father Mariano S. Salvador, CR, Provincial Secretary of Argentina, returned to the House of the Eternal Father from his homeland of Argentina.
In addition to being an exemplary father, Mr. Alberto served the Church as a minister of the Eucharist for many years and was always close to the Theatine communities in whatever they could require of him.
May the Eternal Father welcome you into his Kingdom of Love and spread the consolation for the farewell to all your family and friends.
Fr. Miguel Bonet, CR, Local Superior of Casa San Gaietà in Barcelona, ??in Spain, has informed this Secretariat that the surgical intervention to which Fr. Fructuoso Ochoa Vélaz, CR, has undergone, has been successful. It is hoped that soon he will be able to return home and resume his life normally.
We also join in praying for the recovery of this brother of ours, close to reaching the praiseworthy decade of the 90s.
May the Lord continue to be your strength and your inspiration to persevere in fidelity to the Theatine charism. Amen