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Theatine Youth Encounter in the Province “Ntra. Mrs. de Luján y San Cayetano ”, from

This Saturday, September 19, 2020, using the “Zoom” platform, different young people from the theatine communities of La Plata, Villa Adelina...

Facebook page of the “Pastoral Juvenil Teatina” from Spain

We are grateful to Fr. Lenin Vladimir Cárdenas, CR, a religious priest belonging to the Teatine Province of Spain-Colombia, who has sent us the...

Theatine religious who made their first profession as such on or about September 14

Name Birth First Profession Alcántara, Luis 21/06/90 14/09/17 Alvarado Santos, Miguel Enrique 15/10/69 14/09/16 Arras Zapien, César Martín Cayeatno...

September 14, 2020: Three theatine religious professions in Naples

This past September 14, 2020, in San Pablo el Mayor in Naples, Brothers Pablo Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, Henrique Nunes Oliveira and Pedro Pablo...

Ordination to the Diaconate of Brothers Juan Miguel Tabares Zamora, David Arroyo Alonso,

With great pleasure and joy we announce that on September 29, 2020, at 7:00 p.m., in our Roman and baroque Basilica of Sant'Andrea della Valle, the...

Presbyteral Ordination of R. Deacon J. Víctor Dos Santos Silva, C.R.

It is with so much joy in my heart, and with a feeling that I cannot name him well, that I communicate the approval of my request to be ordained a...

Other theatine echoes

On August 30, 2020, during the recitation of the Office of Lauds, Brothers Luis Alcántara Sánchez, Emmanuel Vargas Sosa, Julio Valenzuela Triana...