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Perpetual Profession of a Theatine Nun in Sant’Andrea della Valle

In these days, in which the brief and small silhouette of the Venerable Sister Úrsula Benincasa walks through the andurriales of memory, so that we...

October 11, 2020: Celebration in honor of Our Lady Aparecida in Sant’Andrea della

Rome is one of those eternally fascinating cities. All roads intersect in this metropolis, which will never cease to be Caput mundi. For the same...

Perpetual Profession of a Theatine Religious in Rome.

Mother Superior M. Francisca María Gil Navazo, the Congregation of Theatines Religious of the Immaculate Conception, the Diocese of Ouagadougou, the...

Diaconate ordinations in Sant’Andrea della Valle

On September 29, 2020, as had been duly announced, the Diaconal ordination of five solemn vowed Theatine religious took place in the Basilica of...

On September 14, 2020, two Brazilian postulants began their novitiate.

The COVID-19 pandemic that has been present during the last seven months of this year 2020 has generated the limitation of the movements of transfers...

September 29, 2020: Admission to the International Theatine Novitiate

Leaving behind the bright and happy Guadalajara lands that make up the landscape that surrounds Guadalajara, Mexico, on September 23, 2020, when the...

Diaconate Ordination of 5 Young Theatines in Rome

With great joy, on this special day that commemorates a new anniversary of the Diaconal Ordination of our holy founder Saint Cajetan, 5 young people...

Theatine Youth Network in the Province “Ntra. Mrs. de Guadalupe y San Cayetano ”, from

This Saturday, September 19, 2020, it will possibly be remembered for the series of encounters of young Theatines on social networks. The meeting held...