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Diaconate ordination of Br. Luis Alcántara Sánchez, C.R.

On August 6, 2021, Brother Luis Alcántara Sánchez, C.R., a religious of solemn vows originally belonging to the Theatine Province of Mexico, today...

Priestly ordination of Deacon Jaciel Dias de Andrade, C.R.

On August 28, 2021, Deacon Jaciel Dias de Andrade, C.R., belonging to the Theatine Province of Brazil, was ordained a priest. Our brother received the...

Solemnity of Saint Cajetan – Litanies for Theatine Fathers #SAINTCAJETAN Faithful and wise servant Immolated for Peace Consolation of the sick Father of the Poor Protector of the...

Condolences for the death of Fr. Pasquale Di Pietro, C.R

Rdo. P. Carmine Mazza Prepósito Provincial Orden de Clérigos Regulares Nápoles- ItaliaMuy querido Padre Provincial y querida Provincia de Italia. Nos...

Theatines Neo-priests

On July 12, 2021, at 12:00 p.m., Deacon Miguel Salinas Hernández, CR, belonging to the Theatine Province of Mexico and currently residing at Casa San...

Theatine Province of Brazil – Election of Delegates to the 164th General Chapter

On the seventh day of the month of July of this year 2021, the Theatine Province of Brazil, called “Paul VI”, began the Provincial Chapter in...

Notice of the death of R.P. Pasquale Di Pietro, C.R.

Dear brothers, It is with deep sorrow that we inform you that on this day, July 15, 2021, at 09:45 a.m., our dear brother, Fr. Pasquale Di Pietro...