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Launch of the book “Spiritual Combat, by P. Lorenzo Scúpoli, CR, edited by P.

Coinciding with the 1st anniversary of the Transit to Heaven of Rev. P. Vincenzo Cosenza, C.R., his legacy continues as a firm mark in the history of...

Priestly Ordination of Deacon Guilherme Alves dos Santos, C.R.

Notification I make known to all the members of our Order the invitation of the Priestly Ordination of Diacono Guilherme Alves dos Santos, C.R., of...

Prayer to pray for the 164th General Chapter of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular

Dear brothers, At the request of our Superior General, Rvdmo. Father Salvador Rodea González, CR, I am sending you this Prayer to pray for the 164th...

Other Theatine echoes…

*** On September 8, 2021, Mr. François Schadrack Iyondo Ikoli, born in Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo, on January 9, 1991, and student of the...

Reincorporation of the PP. Juan Roberto Orqueida Guaglianone and Miguel Salinas HernÃ,

On Friday, August 20, 2021, Fr. Juan Roberto Orqueida Guaglianone, CR, returned to Rome from the Argentine Republic, where he practically stayed for...

Admission to the International Theatine Novitiate based at St. Paul the Major in Naples.

On September 29, 2021, during the auspicious celebration of the feast of the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the three postulants of the...