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Feb 26 – Theatine Historiography: Live broadcast

In preparation for the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the foundation of our Theatine Order, this is the first of a series of eight...

Configuration of the General Curia of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines

Dear brothers, After the celebration of the General Council, the Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, Superior General of the Regular Clerics Theatines...

News of the state of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR – Spain

From the General Secretariat, we forward the email received from Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado, CR, Provincial Secretary of the Theatines of Spain...

State of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR – Spain

The Provincial Secretary of the Theatine Province of Spain, Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado, CR, communicates the state of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual...

News from the Theatine Province of Mexico

Communication made by the Provincial Secretary of the Theatine Clerics Regular in Mexico, R.P. José Saavedra Flores, C.R., on February 18, 2022. DEATH...

Death of Mr. Miguel Salinas Cruz, father of Fr. Miguel Salinas, C.R.

Communication made by the Provincial Secretary of the Regular Clerics Theatines in Mexico, R.P. José Saavedra Flores, C.R., on February 11, 2022. On...

New Provincial Government of the Theatine Fathers of Brazil

On February 9, 2022, the Theatine Fathers of Brazil in an Ordinary Provincial Chapter, under the presidency of the General Superior of the Order of...

Insights into the Audience of the Holy Father Francis for the 164th Theatine General

On January 15, 2022, the 164th Theatine General Chapter concluded, which resulted in the re-election of Rev.Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R. as...