Presbyteral Ordination of R. Deacon J. Víctor Dos Santos Silva, C.R.

Cargando.. por favor espere...
It is with so much joy in my heart, and with a feeling that I cannot name him well, that I communicate the approval of my request to be ordained a priest. I feel as if it had come to the end of a very long process, in fact since 2008 I have been preparing for this day which, now more than ever, is getting closer. At the same time, however, I know that it is not a single point of arrival, but rather the beginning of a totally new life, with a mission that will occupy my days and my existence until the end, forever. From now on I trust your prayers, and if God wills it, we will join in joyful prayer, celebrating the beginning of my life as a Priest, 12/12/2020 in the church of N. Sra. Das Estrelas in Itapetininga- Brazil. God bless everyone !!