Prayer to pray for the 164th General Chapter of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Dear brothers,
At the request of our Superior General, Rvdmo. Father Salvador Rodea González, CR, I am sending you this Prayer to pray for the 164th General Chapter of our Order of Theatine Clerics Regular, so that we may prepare our hearts for this great congregational event, which will begin on January 5, 2022 .
Blessed be God for the gift of our vocation and our charism in the Church!
You call us to celebrate the upcoming General Chapter,
being witnesses once again of your Grace,
as were St. Cajetan and our three co-founding Brothers
who inaugurated in the Church a new style of consecrated life.
Help us
to contemplate our history with providential eyes.
to live more authentically in Community
where charity toward our brothers
might be a sign of the presence of your Son Jesus.
Lead us
to a time of Jubilee, of renewing our foundational charism,
to a new time, that with parrhesia (boldness) we might return
to the genuine sources of the Gospel,
to a time of living and sharing generous acts of selflessness;
to a time in which renewal is a beautiful opportunity to examine
our lives, our Communities, and our mission;
to a time of contemplating the immense horizon of hope.
We trust in You and we seek above all Your Kingdom.
Instill in us, Lord, your Spirit and renew our hearts.
We ask you this through the intercession of our Mother,
the Virgen of Purity.