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Within the Theatine Jubilee Year, celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Order’s Foundation, we have had the joy of starting the first Session of the Inquiry into the fame of sanctity, virtues, fame of signs, and ecclesial significance of the Cause.
For the Postulation, it is both a milestone and a starting point. On May 11, 2020, the Postulator sent a letter to the then Archbishop of Naples, His Eminence Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe, requesting the introduction of the Cause for the Beatification and Canonization of the Venerable Servant of God Giacomo Torno, a Theatine priest.
On May 23 of that same year, we received approval. In his letter, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe wrote: “I am certain that the promotion of the life of the Venerable Giacomo will contribute to the spiritual edification of many, responding, with generosity and joy, to the call to holiness.”
We have reached the First Session of the Diocesan Inquiry, after receiving the Introduction of the Cause from His Excellency Mons. Domenico Battaglia, Archbishop of Naples, and obtaining the favorable opinion of the Regional Episcopal Conference.
This is an Ancient Cause (1541 – Naples – January 18, 1609). In this Holy House of San Paolo Maggiore in Naples, Giacomo Torno passed away. Therefore, the fundamental work will be that of the Historical Commission, which must investigate all the documentation on his personality, activities, and holiness during his life, at his death, and after his death until today, in the devotion to his figure that remains alive among us. Many faithful pray in front of his incorrupt body.
In addition to the historical documentation, we hope that the testimonies of witnesses will also confirm his fame of sanctity. Fr. Giacomo Tormo was the confessor of Saint Andrew Avellino. His fame of holiness, which is the foundation for initiating the Cause, has reached us, and he teaches us, among many other things, to live and embody in our lives the “spiritual combat,” which is central to our charism. Giacomo Torno teaches us to fight against ourselves in everything that does not correspond to God’s will. He developed a very gentle character, naturally inclined to the opposite vice. He teaches us to “act against” in the pursuit of holiness, which is nothing other than imitating Christ. The secret of this hidden and personal work is the fruit of a heart in love with Christ. We have a great model to follow and hope that the Church will soon proclaim his sanctity. Saints are the glory of the Church. The work we have begun aims to one day officially proclaim his sanctity for the Glory of God and the good of the Church.
Ambrosio Cots, C.R.
General Postulator