General Postulation (VI): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

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John Marinoni, is sent, together with Cajetan, to found in Naples. And there he will be until 1562. His life remains silent and hidden, full of
humility, but rich in activity and good. In the Confessional he healed souls, in hospitals he mitigated the sufferings of the body. He visited prisons and those sentenced to death. Saint Andrew Avelino writes of him in a letter: “He never wasted time, he never felt like saying an idle word about him, but always spoke fruitfully.” Asked how he did to find time for everything, and in particular to prepare for the preaching, Marinoni replied: “I pray to God that he inspires me with what I have to do for the salvation of my soul, and I say that to others.” Marinoni preached with great spirit and fervor.
Fr. Ambrosio Cots, CR
General Postulator.
03 December 2022
O God, who made Blessed John Marinoni an eminent imitator of your Son, by contemplating the mystery of the cross, grant us through his intercession, in addition to the special grace that we now ask of you, that we follow, moved by his example, the footsteps of Christ, to obtain the fruits of redemption. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
(There is a silence asking for the grace you wish to obtain)