Our Theatine Sisters: The Quickening of a Charism

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With the breath of the Spirit still caressing our hearts, we joyfully receive the news of the renewal that our sisters, the Theatine Religious of the Immaculate Conception, have carried out in their last General Council.
We share with all the friends and benefactors of this Theatine family the joy of the new appointments that will help so much to safeguard and expand the charism that the Holy Spirit gave to the Church in the person of Sister Úrsula Benincasa and today in our dear sisters, the Theatines.
Rev. Father Salvador Rodea González, C.R.
General Father of PP. Theatines
Father General:
In the meeting held by Mother General and her Government, on June 4 and 5, 2022, they have assigned the following nuns to the Governments of the three Provinces:
Provincial Superior: Sister Alba DI LEO
Provincial Vicar: Sister Lidia ALESSI
2nd Consultant: Sister Lourdes POLIDORO
3rd Consultant: Sister Agnesse BACINO
4th Consultant: Sister Tarcisia MASUCCI
Secretary: Sister Tarcisia MASUCCI
Bursar: Sister Letizia CARADONNAE
Provincial Superior: Sister Mª Victoria GALAN FRIAS
Provincial Vicar: Sister Pilar CARO MERINO
2nd Consultant: Sister Mª Teresa ORTIZ CORNAGO
3rd Consultant: Sister Concepción RODRÍGUEZ ORTIZ
4th Consultant: Sister Raquel CONTRERAS MORENO
Secretary: Sister Mª Celia PENABELLA RODRIGO
Bursar: Sister Marta RUIZ GARCIA
Provincial Superior: Sister Catalina HERNANDEZ MENDIETA
Provincial Vicar: Sister Esther SAMUDIO MARTINEZ
2nd Consultant: Sister Ofelia RUIZ BÁRCENAS
3rd Consultant: Sister Mª Dolores MOLINA BARCENAS
4th Consultant: Sister Emma HERNANDEZ MACHUCA
Secretary: Sister Mª Dolores MOLINA BARCENAS
Bursar: Sister Areli CRUZ ZAMORA
Let us raise a prayer to the Father for each and every one of them, so that their actions may always be for the good of the Congregation and of the sisters.
Rome, June 7, 2022
Sister Encarnacion Hernandez
General Secretary