Theatine Diaconate Ordinations in Columbus (Ohio)

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On the morning of December 21, 2024, Brothers Alejandro Maldonado, Luis Pacheco, Sebastián Ortega and Víctor Rosales, CCRR, of the Province of Our Lady of Purity in the United States, were ordained transitional deacons at Saint Peter’s Parish in Columbus, Ohio.
The celebration was presided over by the Bishop of Columbus, Bishop Earl K. Fernandes, STD, who was accompanied by a good number of concelebrating priests, among whom were Fathers Antonio Flores and Enrique Alvarado, CCRR, among other priests of the Province, some religious from other institutes and members of the diocesan clergy of Columbus.
The bishop in his reflection highlighted the profound meaning of the ministry of the diaconate as a communion of love and reciprocal service. He also recalled how the Holy Spirit is shaping in us the same feelings of Christ, who did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life for others. His words were full of appreciation and affection for the charism established in the Church by St. Cajetan and the mission of the Theatines in the Diocese of Columbus through our presence in the parishes of Saint Peter, Saint Joan of Arc, Saint Mary Magdalene and Christ the King High School.
Father Provincial, at the end of the celebration, thanked the bishop, the pastor and all those present on behalf of the community reminding us that community, in reality, is the keystone of our vocation and mission in the Church as sons of St. Cajetan: to be at the feet of all, serving with simplicity and humility. The four neo-deacons have been assigned to the Columbus community, where they combine fraternal life and service. We thank God for these new ministers of the Word, liturgy and charity, and ask the Lord of the harvest to bless the United States Province and our entire Order with new religious.
Secretary of the Theatine Province of the United States of America