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Priestly Ordination of Fr. Julián M. Tarabini, C.R.

By Community Manager

Mar 20 2024





On the afternoon of Saturday, March 16, 2024, under the blessed sky and the attentive gaze of the Theatines of heart, the courtyard of San Cayetano College in the City of La Plata was transfigured into an earthly sanctuary, impregnated with the divine essence. The soft breeze seemed to whisper sacred secrets, while the golden light of the sun caressed with tenderness the centenary stones of the enclosure. In this consecrated space, the Holy Assembly gathered in fervent communion to raise to the Most High the thanksgiving for the priestly ordination of our beloved brother, Fr. Julian Tarabini, CR.

The heart of the community beat in unison, permeated with deep gratitude and sacred expectation. With each step that resounded on the sacred ground, a symphony of devotion and hope was woven, anticipating the momentous moment that was to come. Fr. Julian, wrapped in the mantle of divine grace, stood with humility and determination, conscious of the supreme call he had received from the hands of the Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese, Bishop Jorge E. Gonzalez.

The Holy Eucharist became the canvas where the sacred act of ordination took shape, where the bishop’s words resounded like heavenly canticles, permeating the air with the promise of a ministry consecrated to the service of God and his people. With the laying on of hands and fervent prayer, Fr. Julian received the sacrament of priestly ordination, anointing his soul with the indelible seal of divine love.

In this Theatine Jubilee Year, on the way to the fifth centenary of the foundation of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular, Father Julian’s ordination took on an even more profound and transcendental significance. Like a shining beacon in the dark night, his priestly ministry stood as a living witness to the legacy of St. Cajetan and the Theatine mission in the world.

The motto that accompanied this sacred moment, “To the praise and glory of His Name,” resounded with renewed force, reminding all present of the supreme purpose of every priestly vocation: to glorify God in every word, in every action, in every heartbeat. In the midst of the solemnity and overflowing joy, Fr. Julian consecrated himself as a docile instrument in the hands of the Creator, ready to bring the light of the Gospel to the darkest corners of humanity.

The following day, in the parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Boulogne, Fr. Julian celebrated his first Mass as a priest, surrounded by the love and blessing of his community. Every gesture, every word, resounded with the promise of unconditional love, of an indelible commitment to the kingdom of God on earth.

But the journey of gratitude and celebration did not end there. In the majestic Basilica of Our Lady of Luján, patroness of the Argentine Nation and title of the Theatine Province, Father Julián presided at the Mass of thanksgiving, raising his voice to heaven in a song of praise and recognition to the loving Mother who guides every step of his journey.

In every moment, in every gesture, in every word, the priestly ordination of Fr. Julian Tarabini, CR, stood as a living monument of faith, hope and love. May his ministry flourish like a garden of blessings, irrigated by the life-giving waters of the Holy Spirit, and may his life be a radiant witness to the transforming power of the Gospel, to the praise and glory of His Holy Name, now and forever and ever! Amen.

Fotos: Maria Langarica