Diaconate Ordination in the Province of Mexico

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Rev. Fr. Ricardo Ledesma Rubio, CR, Provincial Superior of the Theatine Province of Mexico has shared with this editorial office the joyful news of the upcoming DEACONAL ORDINATION of two of our brothers in religion,
Brother Humberto González Chavarría, CR
Bro. Pablo Guillermo Almazán Gómez Tagle, CR
which will take place, God willing, on November 10, 2023, feast of our beloved St. Andrew Avelino, at 12:00 noon in the Holy Family Parish in Mexico City.
For the Theatine Order it is a joy to share with all the devotees of St. Cajetan this ecclesial moment of grace. We pray for our brothers and for vocations, so that in this Jubilee Year the Lord may help us to attract other young people to his lot with our own testimony.