Diaconal Ordination of Brother Julián M. Tarabini, C.R. – Rome

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The Order of Regular Clerics, Theatines, and the Tarabini-Pascucci family, with great joy invite you to the Diaconal Ordination of the Professed in Solemn Vows, Brother Julián M. Tarabini, C.R., by the laying on of hands and consecratory prayer of S.E.R. Bishop Benoni Ambarus, Auxiliary Bishop of Rome.
They will be able to participate in the Eucharistic Celebration from the Basilica of Sant’Andrea Della Valle, in Rome, by accessing the YouTube link.
United in prayer, we pray to Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, for this brother of ours, so that his vocation may be strengthened day by day, always Seeking First the Kingdom of God and His Justice.