On September 14, 2020, two Brazilian postulants began their novitiate.

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The COVID-19 pandemic that has been present during the last seven months of this year 2020 has generated the limitation of the movements of transfers of people from one country to another.
Because of this situation, the Theatine Province “Paul VI” of Brazil had to organize the novitiate for the canonical year 2020-2021 in the sphere of its own jurisdiction, instead of sending its novices to our House in Naples.
Therefore, on September 14, 2020, within the framework of the Solemnity of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the 496th anniversary of the founding of our Order, they were admitted to the novitiate in the House of Formation “San Pío X “, from Fartura (SP), the applicants Gustavo Corrêa Gabriel and Renán José Battista.
As Master of Novices, Fr. Carlos García, C.R. will accompany them in this formative process.