New Provincial Government of the Theatine Fathers of Brazil

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On February 9, 2022, the Theatine Fathers of Brazil in an Ordinary Provincial Chapter, under the presidency of the General Superior of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines, R.P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., have elected the New Government for the next three years:
R.P. Rafael Tadeu Dias Machado, C.R., Provincial Superior;
R.P. Blener Domingues, C.R., Provincial Vicar and 1º Consultor;
R.P. Tacilio Ferreira Gomes, C.R., 2nd Consultant;
R.P. Lucas Miguel Nunes, C.R., 3rd Consultant;
R.P. Lucas Antônio Gobbo Custodio, C.R., 4th Consultant.
We pray for all of them, for the Theatine Province of Brazil, for the Order and for together to continue working always “Seeking first the Kingdom of God and his Justice”