News of the state of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR – Spain

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From the General Secretariat, we forward the email received from Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado, CR, Provincial Secretary of the Theatines of Spain about the state of health of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR, and we join in praying for our sick brother.
Good morning dear Fathers.
Wishing that, with the help of the Lord, you are well, I proceed to inform you that this morning a call has been received from the Hospital where our brother, Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, C.R., is receiving palliative care. informing us that he has gone into a coma and has received the Sacrament of Holy Unction again.
Let us unite very especially in praying for Fr. Jaime so that Providence and the Strength of the Lord continue to accompany him to give him peace and serenity at this moment in his life.
A fraternal hug.
P. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R.
Provincial Secretary