Theatine Mural for the 500th anniversary, in La Plata

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Excerpt from the publication:
“On the feast of the Epiphany and as part of the celebrations for the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Theatine Order, the Provincial Superior Fr. Pedro Romero, C.R., blessed the commemorative mural made by the artist Juan Marcos Bueno on the corner of 44 and 30.
Accompanied by Fr. Mariano Salvador, pastor of our Parish and Sanctuary San Cayetano La Plata, and Diac. Julian Tarabini, together with a large group of lay people, the image of approximately 12×9 meters was presented.
Our parish priest together with the artist presented the mural. In it are represented the figures of the Virgin holding the Child, to her right that of our Founders and, to her left, that of the Saints and Blessed Theatines, that of the Venerable Ursula Benincasa and that of the Servant of God, Father Antonio Sagrera. On the sides are the representation of the local cathedral and that of St. Peter of Rome.
In the inferior plane are located allegorical figures of the present time of the Order and of the Theatine House of La Plata, in the center the shield of the Theatine Jubilee, flanked of lilies and birds;
The whole composition is an invitation to the search for the Kingdom of God as a path to unity, peace and holiness.
We thank God for having this beautiful painting that speaks of the history, charism and life of our dear Theatine family. We thank the artist and the benefactors who made it possible.
We hope that there will be many who will enjoy this magnificent work of urban art!”
Many congratulations to the Theatine Fathers of Argentina and to all who made this beautiful mural possible, for the celebration for the 5th centenary of foundation of our beloved Theatine Order.