“Send your spirit, they are created, and you renew the face of the earth” – Provincial Chapter in Italy

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The Theatine Province of Italy, known as the “Child Jesus”, will celebrate its Provincial Chapter from 6 to 8 June.
The meeting will take place in Morlupo, in the Theatine house of San Gaetano, with the participation of Fr. General, Rev. Salvador Rodea González, CR, who will preside over the Chapter.
In this time of the Spirit, Pentecost recently celebrated, we wish the brothers of Italy an outpouring of strength, audacity, courage and enlightenment that will help them carry out the task that the Lord himself has conferred on them with the profession of vows and the priestly ordination.
Our fathers San Gaetano, Sant’Andrea Avelino, San Giuseppe Maria Tomasi and all our Blessed and Venerables intercede for the Theatine Province of Italy, united in prayer with Our Lady of Purity, our mother and intercessor.