The Theatine Fathers of Argentina already have a new provincial government

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Yesterday, memory of Saint Aloysius Mary Grignon de Montfort, the Theatine Province from Argentina “Our Lady of Luján and Saint Cajetan”, together with the presence of the Superior General of the Order R.P. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., has elected the new government for the Triennium 2022-2025.
For this new stage, the Province has renewed its Provincial Superior, R.P. Pedro Miguel Romero, C.R., and has formed his board as follows:
– Fr. Mariano S. Salvador, C.R., Vicar Provincial,
– P. Cristian Paniagua, C.R., 2nd. Consultant
– P. Martin A. Schmidt, C.R., 3rd. Consultant
May the Virgin of Luján, Patron Saint of Argentina, and the Founding Fathers, bless and accompany you in this new time! We join in prayer for the Argentine Theatine Province and the entire Theatine Order.