Formation day of the Theatine Province of Argentina

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Vos estis lux mundo
During the week of the octave of Easter, the Fathers and Brothers of the Theatine Province of Argentina held a course on “Prevention and awareness of sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable persons” as part of their ongoing formation. The course was given by Ms. María Inés Franck, secretary of the Pastoral Council for the Protection of Minors of the Argentinean Episcopal Conference (CEA) and recently appointed member of the team of consultants for Latin America of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (PCPM).
They worked on the scope of the new Papal norm “Vos estis lux mundo” for the fight and prevention of abuse perpetrated by clerics and in ecclesiastical environments. In the morning, the enlightenments were presented through lectures and in the afternoon, work was done in groups with the slogans that were presented. Dr. Monica Cuerdo, a psychologist, also accompanied the week of formation and presented the symptomatology of the victims of abuse.
It was a week of ongoing formation and community living. We closed the day celebrating the Eucharist together.
Fr. Pedro M. Romero, C.R.
Provincial Superior of Argentina