Information on the itinerary of preparation for the next 164th General Chapter of the Order of Regular Clerics Theatines

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1.- The Provincial Superior of the Regular Clerics Theatines in Mexico, M.R.P. Octavio Manuel García Sánchez, CR, has requested – and has thus been confirmed – to have the Ordinary Provincial Chapter by the end of the triennium and to elect the Delegates to the 164th General Chapter of the Theatine Order, from June 14 to 18, 2021.
2.- The Provincial Superior of the Regular Clerics Theatines in Spain and Colombia, M.R.P. Ismael Correa Marín, C.R., by letter Prot. N. 2021-II-1018, of April 25, 2021, has summoned the Ordinary Provincial Chapter that will opportunely elect the Delegates to the 164th General Chapter of our Order. Said Provincial Chapter will take place at the House of Our Lady of Castañar, Béjar, Spain, from July 5 to 7, 2021.
3.- The Provincial Secretary of the Regular Clerics Theatines in Brazil, Fr. Elvis Corrêa, CR, has communicated that, by letter Prot. N. 271/2021, of April 28, 2021, the Provincial Superior of said Brazilian Province, MRP Túlio César Caetano, CR, has summoned the Provincial Chapter in preparation for the 164th General Chapter of our Theatine Order, whose celebration will take place on July 8 and 9, 2021, at the San Pío X Formation House in Fartura (SP , Brazil).
4.- The Theatine Province of Argentina has already celebrated – from February 10 to 11, 2021 – the appropriate Provincial Chapter, electing the Delegate to the next General Chapter and his occasional Substitute by law.