Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel Exploring new possibilities for mission

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Currently, the Theatine Order of Clerics Regular is present in seven countries: Italy and Spain (in Europe), the United States of America and the United States of Mexico (in North America), and Brazil, Colombia and Argentina (in North America). South). However, we could well say that the spirituality of the Theatines, the one that was born almost five hundred years ago, extends further, even where today the Theatines do not have an established and continued presence.
The 164th General Chapter, held last January, encouraged the Order to promote new foundations in new places. Responding to this missionary spirit, the General Curia of the Order continues to explore new possibilities. We present here summarily these new possibilities that Providence is presenting to us in this time of grace.
Salto, Uruguay
Last May (15 to 18) we received in Sant’Andrea della Valle Monsignor Arturo Fajardo, Bishop of Salto in Uruguay. The Prelate is currently the President of the Episcopal Conference of his country and has been offering the Theatines a significant presence in his Diocese for some time. In this sense, Fr. General, Rvdo. Salvador Rodea traveled to see the place first-hand at the end of the Provincial Chapter of our brothers in Argentina.
At this moment there are already some brothers willing to begin the mission experience in the place designated by the Bishop to open a Theatine religious house. Soon, Fr. Joan Roberto Reyes Austria, CR, will visit the place, accompanied by the Provincial Superior of the Theatines of Argentina, Fr. Pedro Miguel Romero, CR.
From this visit we hope that before the end of the current year the Theatine presence can materialize in a Diocese where pastoral work is urgent in the line of mission, given the idiosyncrasies of the place and the socio-political circumstances that have been shaping it during the last decades.
We wish our brothers a visit full of evangelical fruits helped by the intercession of our saints.
Vendas Novas, Portugal
The Diocese of Evora, in Portugal, offers the Theatine Fathers a space to develop their particular priestly charism there. It is a population that is halfway between the city of Evora and the country’s capital, Lisbon.
Archbishop Francisco José Villas-Boas Senra de Faria Coelho recently visited our house and met with Fr. General. From this meeting has arisen the commitment to visit the place by some of our fathers to get to know it and to be able to objectify the real possibilities of foundation in the sister diocese.
In this regard, Fathers Antonio Marcos Delmiro, CR, and Osman Procópio da Silva, CR, will soon travel to Vendas Novas.
We commend these brothers of ours to prayer and trust in the help of Divine Providence, to help them look with hope at this Portuguese land where the Theatines did so much good in the past.