I Theatine Formation Day – Rome

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First monthly meeting on the history of the Order
Theatine formation in view of the V Centenary
Last Saturday, February 27, Sant Andrea della Valle held the first of the monthly meetings on the history of the Order.
Edited by P. Aleksander Iwaszczonek C.R. en the participation of the fathers and brothers of Sant’Andrea and Naples and also with the novices of the Neapolitan community, we worked on the theme “Theatine historiography: a review of the indispensable tools for studying the history of the Order.
Father Aleksander presented, in the first place, the essential sources to be able to begin the history of the Order, that is, the first that composed a story on the foundation and the first centuries of our Institute.
After its presentation, the assembly was divided into three working groups as a seminar. In each group it was possible to deepen some aspects presented, so that the day was of great richness for everyone.
Finally, once again all the groups met again to share what they worked on.
Father Aleksander’s presentation can be followed live through the YouTube platform and is available on our website