General Postulation (V): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

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In Venice, Marinoni had before him a splendid ecclesiastical career, but his vocation will be charity towards the material needs of the poor and the service of the sick. He was a spiritual priest and full of kindness. Apostle of good He is the good and faithful servant. It is full of charity united with the desire for a complete and total donation of oneself to God and to one’s neighbour. Marinoni came to the decision to leave the world to unite more closely with God in religious life and in total service to his brothers. Apostle of charity. He had met the Theatine religious who had recently arrived in Venice. His austere and apostolic life, full of trust in Providence and, above all, the example of Cajetano deeply attracted him and he became a Theatine. After the Novitiate year, on May 29, 1530, he made his religious profession in the hands of Cajetano de Thiene, who had been his Novice Master.
Fr. Ambrosio Cots, CR
General Postulator.
24 November 2022
O God, who made Blessed John Marinoni an eminent imitator of your Son, by contemplating the mystery of the cross, grant us through his intercession, in addition to the special grace that we now ask of you, that we follow, moved by his example, the footsteps of Christ, to obtain the fruits of redemption. Through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
(There is a silence asking for the grace you wish to obtain)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.