General Postulation (I)

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The 500th anniversary of the Foundation of our beloved Order of Regular Clerics (Theatines) is approaching. In order to better prepare ourselves for such a historic date, this Postulation, by indication of our Father General, will take care to encourage the members of our Order and all the people who come into contact with us, in all our Houses, so that through the confident, humble and persevering prayer we can exalt our brothers and Blesseds with the category of Saints for the glory of God infinitely Holy, and for the good of the Universal Church, presenting great models of virtue and holiness to all the Christian faithful. The same is said of our Venerables so that they can reach the category of Blessed in the Church to be imitated in their virtue and holiness.
It is impossible to be a Theatine and not love our Venerables, Blesseds and Saints, who are the glory of our Order and embody the Theatine spirit to which we have been called. We have to be very careful not to diminish in fervour, in prayer and in imitation of these great Theatine models that have preceded us. To this end, this Postulation will take care to offer everyone a material that helps us in the knowledge of its virtues, hoping that love and the desire to aspire to the holiness to which we are called by vocation will spring from this knowledge.
Everyone is invited to share this material with all the people we know, so that, based on the strength of his powerful intercession, we can, as Theatines, see the number of our Saints and Blesseds increased, thus demonstrating that being Theatine is enter a true school of holiness. This is what God calls us to.
It is Father General’s wish that this material not remain unheeded and that it promote PRAYER and devotion to our Theatine Saints, Blesseds and Venerables, who are for all lights and encouragement to imitate in our personal, fraternal, priestly and religious life, and also to make all our lay brothers participate in the THEATIN CHARISM.
Your brother in Christ Jesus warmly greets you,
Fr. Ambrosio Cots, C.R.
General Postulator of the Theatine Order.
October 2022