General Postulation (II)

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Continuing on in the “Humilitas” collection, which aims to make available to the reader the treasure represented by the works of Saint Andrew Avelino, Theatine Priest, we come to this booklet n.16 where the Saint offers us a reflection on the greatest of the commandments. Always looking for brevity, the author is concerned with making us get to the essentials of the evangelical message, through, as always, a deep reflection, and accompanied and based on Sacred Scripture, the Holy Fathers and other authors. This is the greatness of Andrés Avelino: the basis of his exposition is always Scripture, constantly noting biblical citations as the foundation of his theological reflection.
We hope that this contribution made by Saint Andrew Avelino will help the reader to delve into the knowledge and experience of the living God. Everything written by the Saint is the result of his personal experience that he transmits to others to guide us along the true path that leads us to know and love the Lord more, in order to be able to be instruments of his love in our world. The world today is in need of testimonies. We could almost say that it is the only thing that can convince the world of the reality that fills and gives meaning to human life.
P. Ambrosio Cots, C.R.
General Postulator.
19 October 2022