Fr. Ambrose Cots Dorca, CR. successfully intervened

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Greetings from the City of Rome.
On this Tuesday, March 30, 2022, already the fourth of Holy Lent, we joyfully received the news from Fr. Francisco Delgado, CR, Provincial Secretary of Spain, and we share it with the entire Theatine family. Let us continue united in prayer for all of us who make up this great community and let us not stop asking the Lord of the harvest to continue sending workers to this plot of land that has always been His.
Happy and holy day to all!
Dear Father Antonio Cabrera, C.R.
General Secretary
I wish that, with the help of the Lord, you and the entire Community of Sant’Andrea are very well.
Let you know that this afternoon [03.29.2022] our esteemed Fr. Ambrosio Cots C.R., at the Rotger clinic in Palma de Mallorca, has undergone surgery for a hip prosthesis. Thank God, the surgery went very well and he is now in recovery.
He will continue his stay with the community of San Cayetano de Palma until the doctors consider his complete improvement.
Let us join in praying for his successful recovery.
A fraternal hug for the whole community.
Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R.
Provincial Secretary