Death of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR – Spain

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado, CR, Provincial Secretary of Spain, has informed us of the outcome of the illness of our dear brother, Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, CR.
We join in prayer with the Theatine Community of Béjar, with the Spanish Province and with Fr. Pedro Pascual Nadal, CR, and the rest of his family.
Rest in the peace of the Lord in the lap of the Virgen del Castañar, whom he loved so much.
Dear Fathers,
I am writing to inform you that this morning (March 01, 2022) our dear Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, C.R., has left for the Father’s House.
We appreciate the prayers that we have been making for him all these days and, now, let us continue united in prayer for his Eternal Easter and for the comfort and strength in the Risen Christ for our Community, family and friends.
Regarding the wake, it will be from this afternoon in the Crypt of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Castañar in Béjar. The funeral Mass will be tomorrow, March 2, at 5:00 p.m. in the same Shrine and then the burial.
Attached, a small semblance of his life.
United in prayer.
Brief portrait of the life of Fr. Jaime Pascual Nadal, C.R.
Jaime Pascual Nadal, C.R., son of Mr. Antonio and Mrs. Petra, born in Manacor (Balearic Islands) on January 9, 1942.
Entry as a student in the House of Son Espanyolet (Palma de Mallorca) on October 4, 1953. He began the Novitiate on September 11, 1957 in the House of Iranzu (Navarra) and on September 15, 1958 he made his First Religious Profession .
Then he returns to the Casa de Son Espanyolet to begin his philosophical studies. On September 14, 1964, he made his Perpetual Profession. On March 26, 1966, the Sacrament of the Presbytery was received and sent to the House of Felanitx.
He was assigned several times to the House of Béjar (1967-1973; 1987-1993; 1998-2022) in which he has held positions as administrator and consultant, as well as that of Local Prepósito. Likewise, he was assigned to the House of Son Espanyolet (1973-1987; 1993-1998) where he was Prefect of pensioners, consultant and head of the administration of the Colegio San Cayetano, and at that same stage Provincial Econome.
May the Lord keep in mind everything about work and dedication for the construction of the Kingdom.
P. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R.
Provincial Secretary