Faith in prayer for the sick: Fr. Ángel Jaime, CR

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Are any of you sick?
Call the presbyters of the Church,
pray for him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord.
Prayer made with faith will save the sick
and the Lord will restore it;
And if I had committed any sin,
you will be forgiven.
Jas 5, 14-15
Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine Family,
We receive from the Provincial Secretary of the Theatine Province of Mexico the communication of a new surgical intervention to our brother Father Ángel Jaime, CR.
As a believing community we pray for the health of this brother, entrusting him to the mercy of the Lord and so that the action of the Holy Spirit moves in him the strength for healing, according to the will of the Father.
May the entire Province of Mexico and the Theatine Order find in prayer the strength and hope that the Lord gave us with such a precious gift.