“Send workers to your harvest…”

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With joy we received the news from our Theatine brothers in Mexico of the entry into the Postulancy of four new candidates for consecrated life in our Theatine Order.
Regarding the postulancy, our Constitutions, in Article 98, teach us that:
“It is lawful for our religious family to promote vocations, to disseminate knowledge of itself and to seek candidates, as long as this is done with due prudence and observing the norms established by the Holy See and the local Ordinary. Let us remember, however, that, in addition to frequent prayer, the example of our life is the best recommendation of our Congregation and an invitation to embrace the life of the Regular Clerics.”
Let us share the joy of this new stage that our brothers Irvin Josué Corral Chaparro, Rodrigo Ortega Montiel, José Kevin Antonio Zamora Reyes, and Pedro Fernando Prudente Sánchez are now beginning, who have just joined the Postulancy on February 1 at the Theatine House of the Rome Colony. May God protect you and always guide your formators.