An Interview on Vatican Radio

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In the most recent installment of the podcast “La finestra del papa”, host Marina Tomarro had the honor of welcoming two distinguished guests: Father Marcelo R. Zubia, C.R., Vicar General of the Theatines, and Father João Marcos Boranelli, C.R. Rector of the Basilica of Sant’Andrea della Valle in Rome. Both shared with us exciting details about the 500th anniversary of the foundation of their Order, which will be celebrated on September 14.
During the interview, broadcast by RadioVaticana, Fathers Marcelo and João Marcos took us on a journey through the rich and deep history of the Theatines. Founded in 1524 by St. Cajetan Thiene and John Peter Carafa, the Order has been a pillar of spiritual renewal and charity in the Catholic Church.
Guests highlighted the contemporary relevance of Theatine values, underscoring how their mission of community life and service continues to inspire new generations of the faithful. In addition, they shared the preparations and activities planned for the great celebration, which will include liturgical ceremonies, conferences and cultural events designed to honor this half millennium of faith and dedication.
We are deeply grateful to Father Marcelo Zubia, C.R. and Father João Marcos Boranelli, C.R. for their participation and for giving us such an enriching perspective on this important anniversary.
We invite those who like to tune in to RadioVaticana at the following link to access the complete article: