Father Adam Marek, C.R. travels to Hamrun (Malta)

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The Order of Clerics Regular Theatines rejoices to share the exciting news that the St. Joseph Hamrun Musical Society has announced with great pleasure the participation of the Rector of St. Joseph’s Church of the Theatine Fathers of Palermo as a special guest at the celebration of the Feast of St. Joseph in Hamrun, Malta. This year, the feast will take place from April 22-28, and we are delighted that Father Adam Marek, C.R., will join the St. Joseph’s Musical Society in this significant event.
We extend a warm invitation to the entire community to join us in extending a warm welcome to Father Adam Marek, C.R. His presence at this event highlights the deep bond between the Theatine Order and the community of ?amrun, further strengthening our bonds of friendship and collaboration.
It is important to note that this meeting falls within the framework of the Teatine Jubilee Year, a period of special importance in the history of our Order, as we commemorate the journey towards the 500th anniversary of its foundation. In this context of celebration and reflection, the presence of Father Adam Marek, C.R., is a reminder of the Theatine Order’s continued dedication to serving the community and promoting the values of faith, solidarity and fraternity.
May this Feast of St. Joseph in Hamrun be a time of joy, unity and spiritual renewal for all who participate. We look forward to celebrating this special occasion together!
St. Joseph Hamrun Musical Society – A.D. 1889