May she rest in the Peace of the Lord: Sister Coral Turion Lopez, Theatine Sister

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Dear friends:
on this day, July 23, 2024, feast of St. Bridget, our dear sister SOR CORAL TURION LOPEZ, a Theatine Sister of the Province of Spain, has passed to the House of the Eternal Father.
Sister Coral has served the Church and the Congregation of the Religious Theatines of the Immaculate Conception in the Majorcan house of Son Ferriol, where she has earned the fraternal and often filial affection of the faithful of several generations.
In communion of prayer we join in thanksgiving for a whole life of testimony of the one who loved and served the Lord in life so that now she enjoys the contemplation of his Divine Face. May her soul and that of all the faithful departed, by the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.