Death of Fr. Antonio Doménech, C.R.

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Communication made by the Provincial Secretary of the Theatine Regular Clerics in Spain, R.P. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R., on January 2, 2022.
Dear Fathers,
Again I write to inform you that this afternoon our dear Fr. Antonio María Doménech Font, C.R. he has left for the House of the Father.
Let us unite in prayer for his Eternal Easter and for the comfort and strength in the Risen Christ for our Community, his family and friends.
When everything has been organized, we will give you more information about the funeral and burial.
Attached, a small profile of his life.
United in prayer.
Brief sketch of the life of Fr. Antonio María Doménech Font, C.R.
Father Antonio María Doménech Font, C.R. son of mr. José and Mrs. María were born in Cambrils (Tarragona) on May 8, 1940.
He began the novitiate on September 13, 1992 in the House of Our Lady of Castañar de Béjar (Salamanca) and, in this same House, on October 16, 1993 he made his First Religious Profession. In November 1994 he was assigned to the House of San Alfonso de Felanitx (Mallorca). Then, in August 1996, he was assigned to the Casa de San Cayetano in Madrid. On November 29, 1998, he was ordained a permanent deacon in the House of Morlupo (Italy). On September 30, 2000, he received the Sacrament of the Presbyterate in the Virgen de la Providencia and San Cayetano Parish in Madrid.
After his priestly ordination, he was assigned to the House of San Alberto Magno in Cali (Colombia) to exercise his priestly ministry and collaborate in the great pastoral and social activity that the Community had begun to carry out in this city. There he remained until 2019, the year in which he had to move to the Casa de San Cayetano in Madrid due to health problems.
Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, C.R.
Provincial Secretary