Coexistence and Spiritual Retreat of the Theatine Province of Spain

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Coexistence and Spiritual Retreat of the Province
Like every year, around this time of July, the majority of the brothers from the Province of Spain and Colombia have gathered at the House Sanctuary of Our Lady of Castañar de Béjar (Salamanca) to live a few days of coexistence and provincial retreat.
It began on the afternoon of Monday, July 1, with a small provincial assembly in which each member of the different houses gave a report on their local experience and reality. Then the Eucharist was celebrated in the Sanctuary, entrusting these days of fraternal encounter in the Lord to Our Lady.
On the morning of Tuesday, July 2, Bishop Ernesto Jesús Brotons Tena, Bishop of Plasencia, led the reflection on Mary, memory of the Church, Mother and Star of evangelization. The afternoon of the same day Don David Calderón Carmona, Episcopal Vicar of Pastoral in Plasencia, based on the text Mt. 16, 13-20: Who do people say that I am?, encouraged reflection and more than thinking about the answers that we can give to the Lord from our experience of faith, he invited us to meditate on the answers that the Lord himself gives about his identity and what they mean for us. Close the day by presiding over the Eucharist in the Sanctuary.
On the occasion of his 25th anniversary of Priestly ordination, Fr. Pablo Guerrero Pacheco CR, Provincial Priest, focuses on the two reflections of Wednesday, July 3, around his priestly experience, the priestly history of the Theatines throughout these 500 years and what being Theatine implies for the current time: personal reform. In the best way he ends the day by thanking the Lord in the Eucharist for his priestly anniversary and that of Father Ismael Correa Marín CR.
For the morning of Thursday, July 4, Don Tomás Durán Sánchez, Vicar General of the Diocese of Salamanca, is scheduled to accompany the day’s reflection.
We will close the day of fraternal coexistence and spiritual retreats with the Eucharist in the Sanctuary.
May the Grace of the Lord continue to guide and accompany our community and pastoral work to continue building his Kingdom.
United in prayer.
Fr. Francisco Javier Delgado Delgado, CR
Order of Regular Clerics (Theatines)
Provincial Secretary – Province of Spain