Concert in the church of St. Cajetan in Vicenza

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On Sunday, January 21, a concert will be held at the Church of St. Cajetan in Corso Palladio in Vicenza, beginning at 3:30 p.m., to mark the start of the second four-month term of the Vicenza branch and the start of the annual activities of the Rezzara Institute and the Counseling Center. A concert featuring the Ana “Voci del Sese” choir directed by maestro Riccardo Baldisserottto and the Musa Quartet, Vicenza Mayor Giacomo Possamai and Ana Monte Pasubio section president Lino Marchiori will speak. It will be an opportunity to greet Prof. Francesco Gasparini, president for the past two triennia, and learn about the work of St. Cajetan Thiene.
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