Commemorative Letters for the 500th Anniversary of the Theatines: Messages from Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and Ambassadors

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In this section, you can access the letters sent by Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, and Ambassadors from around the world, who joined in the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the founding of the Theatine Clerics Regular. These messages of support highlight the historical and spiritual significance of this event, marking five centuries of mission, faith, and service. We invite you to read and reflect on these words of encouragement in honor of this important anniversary.
Carta V Centenario – Arzobispado de Palermo – Italia
Carta V Centenario – Bispo Dom Marco Aurelio Gubiotti – Diocesis Itabira Fabriciano
Carta V Centenario – Card Angelo De Donatis – Penitenziere Maggiore
Carta V Centenario – Card Jose Cobo Cano – Arzobispado de Madrid
Carta V Centenario – Card Juan Jose Omella Omella – Arquidiócesis de Barcelona
Carta V Centenario – Card Odilo Pedro Scherer – Diocesis Sao Paulo
Carta V Centenario – Dom Walmor Oliveira de Azevedo – Arz do Belo Horizonte
Carta V Centenario – Embajador Alberto Barranco Chavaria – Embajada Mexico Santa Sede
Carta V Centenario – Mons Juan Ignacio Liébana – Obispado de Chascomus
Carta V Centenario – Mons Oscar Ojea – Obispado San Isidro