Provincial Chapter in Mexico

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The Provincial Chapter is taking place in Mexico, a crucial moment for the Theatine Order. We join in prayer with them, asking the Holy Spirit and the Founding Fathers to inspire and guide them in their deliberations and decisions.
This event is of utmost importance for both the Church and the Theatine Order. The Provincial Chapter is not only an opportunity to reflect on the road travelled, but also to plan for the future, renewing the commitment to the values and missions that have sustained the Order over the centuries.
This meeting is being held at a special time, as the Theatine Order is on its way to celebrate 500 years since its foundation. This half millennium of service and dedication is a testimony to the continued impact and relevance of the Order in the life of the Church and society.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten all the participants of the Provincial Chapter, inspiring them with wisdom and strength to continue their evangelizing and charitable work, always faithful to the spirit and legacy of the Founding Fathers.