Provincial Chapter in Brazil

Cargando.. por favor espere...
Triennium 2025-2028
This morning, January 30, in the presence of the Superior General of the Order, Rev. Fr. Salvador Rodea González, C.R., elections were held for the Provincial Council for the next triennium 2025-2028.
This is how the PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT was composed:
– Fr. Rafael Tadeu Dias Machado, CR – Provincial Prefect
– Fr. Lucas Antônio Gobbo Custódio, CR – Vicar Provincial and 1st Councilor.
– Fr. Túlio César Caetano, CR – 2nd Councilor
– Fr. Elvis José Corrêa, CR – 3rd Councilor
– Fr. Alison Vieira da Silva, CR – 4th Councilor
We praise and bless God for the gifts and joys we have received this week.
Pray for us!
Fr. Lucas Antônio Gobbo Custódio, CR
Secretary of the Chapter