VOCATIONAL CAMPING 2022 Lord, what do you want from me? “Heading to 500 years of foundation”

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With the aim of having an encounter with God and with the Theatine community, the Theatine Camping was held on February 25, 26 and 27 in Tapalpa, Sierra de Jalisco. The motto “Lord, what do you want from me?” guided the different themes and activities that were developed in this campsite.
The 3 aspirants from the San Cayetano Formation House in Guadalajara and 5 young people who have the concern to discern their vocation participated in this vocational camp.
A very propitious climate was experienced for the encounter with God through nature, the encounter with oneself with different dynamics, games and themes, and the encounter with the Theatine identity and spirituality.
They reflected from the experience they have with God, of the different ways of how they have been filled with God throughout life; Through the appointment of the Samaritan woman and the call of Samuel, the ways in which God speaks to man were deepened. It was internalized in the reality of each one from the perspective of being-doing-having…what I think-what I feel-my impulses. All this under a healthy management of all life to be able to respond to God with generosity and freedom.
Great moments of coexistence were experienced with different dynamics in which they showed the need to work in community, they showed that we all have different abilities that must be put at the service of a common goal. The different characters and personalities of each one were revealed: leadership, resistance, strength, balance; everything that the young people were showing in the activities were put in common to achieve their goals. Also with these games it was proposed “to be children to find oneself”.
With the different liturgical celebrations and with the reflections of Fathers Francisco Javier Vaca and David Arroyo CCRR, contact was made with the Theatine identity and spirituality. The young people had moments to talk with their parents and learn more about the Theatines.
At the end of the meeting, commitments to live in community life were proposed for both the aspirants and the young people who have vocational concerns, of which 3 young people decided to follow their vocational path more closely in the San Cayetano House of Formation.
Let us continue to ask the owner of the harvest to send more workers to his vineyard, that God the provident Father continue to bless our Order with more Theatine vocations that respond to today’s mission.
Father David Arroyo C.R.