Brother Héctor Del Río Piña, C.R., on the trail of priestly formation

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At the end of the three years of theology studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, I want to share my experience.
At first it seemed like a big challenge, but gradually I discovered a taste for study and the university environment. Not only did I learn the theory at the university, but I also took many elements passing and knowing the streets of Rome, but above all I discovered the great wealth of our charism in the house of Sant’Andrea. With all this I realize that everything is Grace and that all this was a gift from God who gave me without deserving.
At the end of Theology in February of this year I asked to study a license looking at how to help the Order. And, having submitted proposals to my superiors, they granted me to study the License in Priestly Formation and Religious Life.
So, in this year I have started some courses of this License and I would like to share that I see a continuation of theological studies with the courses that I now take. And I realize that more than knowing concepts, I can deepen the reality of the Church and the need for Formation for Religious Life, and above all take advantage of these courses for my vocational process on a personal level. I hope that after completing these Bachelor studies, you can help our beloved Theatine Order.