Blessed Paul Burali: Bishop of Piacenza, Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal – VI

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S. Andrew Avellino, first biographer of Blessed Paul Burali
As for poverty, he was a passionate lover of it since he was a layman. He exercised the lucrative office of Lawyer and Royal Councillor for over twenty years, but he never accumulated riches, because he demanded little compensation from his labors. Which I can testify to by a case I experienced.
During Holy Week a Notary, a certain Mario of Marsico Vetere, vassal of Giovanni Caracciolo, was confessing to me. Seeing Father Don Paolo passing by, the penitent interrupted his confession and exclaimed, “Father, this priest who is passing by was my lawyer in a quarrel I had with the master of my land. At the opening of the trial I handed him three ducats. Since the case was well under way (and later ended in a judgment in my favor) I brought him another small sum. But he refused it, pointing out to me that he had not yet worked enough to merit more than three ducats.
O God who manifested in Blessed Paul Burali the multiform and admirable ways of your call to Christian perfection, grant us the comfort of his heavenly protection to follow you wholeheartedly. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(there is a small silence to ask for the grace that each person carries in his heart)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Thought of Blessed Paul Burali:
“The ship is religion guided by the rudder of obedience and propelled by the oars of religious practices and exercises. With the soul filled with the graces and gifts of the Spirit, man launches the wing of the sail to the favorable winds and reaches the harbor of eternal bliss.”
Note: The monthly message of our Blessed and Venerable Theatines is not only to be read. It is an invitation to learn more about them and to make them known. It is an invitation to pray with faith, so that through their intercession with God we may receive from heaven a special grace, usually a healing, that the Church requires to confirm the holiness of those who are considered luminous beacons, God’s presence among men.
These messages are meant to be prayed with people in our communities. In a joking tone, it is said that the Blessed and Venerable Theatines are a bit grouchy because no one asks them to intercede with the Lord. And they look forward to it! So let us intensify our prayer, which is proof of our faith and hope in the good things to come.