BLESSED PAOLO BURALI: Bishop of Piacenza, Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal – IX

Cargando.. por favor espere...
S. Andrew Avellino,
first biographer of Blessed Paul Burali
The bishop transformed the episcope into a convent
Having become Bishop against his will, he remained a friend of poverty, as appears from the following details. Having taken possession of the Bishopric of Piacenza, he noticed that the Chancery taxes were exorbitant and immediately made a cut. The actuary, who was coming to lose quite a lot, appealed against the reduction of his own revenue. The holy bishop consoled him with sweet words, “Don’t complain. I want to compensate you for the loss.” And he conferred on him a beneficent income from the bishopric that was equivalent to the amount of the diminished income. Of all his own financial income he made two parts: one he spent on the board and provision of the servants; the other he distributed in alms to the poor and in charity to pious places or in repair of the bishop’s possessions. The stable buildings were almost destroyed, but after they were restored they were rented out at a higher price. The income of the bishopric grew. But he did not hoard: for the more he had the more abundant alms he bestowed.
As Bishop as well as Cardinal he wore “gibbons” and “used” socks, commenting, “These go under; who sees them?” So much was he a friend of poverty in his person. Inspired by austerity were also his chamber vestments.
In Piacenza he kept but a few porters. When he filled out his will, he left nothing to his nephew except clocks and a few books. The rest he dispensed to poor servants and to pious works.
I have written the life of this Father more extensively, because I was with him for 14 years, partly in the monastery and partly in Piacenza, and I was his close friend and family member and confessor. And we often contended for the last place. He wanted to be subject to me, because before him I had received priestly orders and before him I had been called to religion. But I wanted to be subordinate to him, because he was older in age, more noble, more learned, more good.
O God who manifested in Blessed Paul Burali the multiform and admirable ways of your call to Christian perfection, grant us the comfort of his heavenly protection to follow you wholeheartedly. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(there is a small silence to ask for the grace that each person carries in his heart)
Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
Thought of Blessed Paul Burali:
“And if all men in the world need the virtue of humility, much more the Prelates and especially the Ecclesiastics, who, the greater they are, the greater and more dangerous is the account they have to render.”