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  • Spiritual Exercises in the most Theatine Spirit

    By Community Manager

    From Monday, July 22 to Friday, July 23, the Theatine Province of Argentina held its spiritual exercises and this time having as a background the Jubilee year, the retreat was lived in the Teatino spirit. Father Diego Doldán C.R. enlightened with the Spiritual Combat of Father Lorenzo Scupoli. Together with…

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  • Annual Assembly

    By Community Manager

    From July 8 to 11, 2024, the members of the Paul VI Province of Brazil of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular met for their Annual Assembly at the São Pio X House of Formation in Fartura-SP. Inspired by the Theatine Jubilee Year, we counted on the participation of members…

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  • Canonical Erection in Puebla

    By Community Manager

    Last July 9, the Teatine Community in Puebla was celebrating. After 25 years of the presence of the Teatinos in Puebla, our beloved Chapel of the Sacred Heart and San Cayetano was elevated to Parish and Fr. Franco Placencia, C.R. took possession as pastor of this community. We share some…

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  • Video – Priestly Ordinations

    By Community Manager

    We share a short summary of the priestly ordination of Fathers Emmanuel, Humberto and Pablo Guillermo, who received the priesthood by the imposition of hands of Bishop Adolfo Miguel Castaño Fonseca, Bishop of Azcapozalco in the Parish of San Cayetano, in Mexico City (Mexico). To access the video, click on…

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  • Provincial Mass for the 500th Anniversary

    By Community Manager

    On the occasion of the V Centenary of the foundation of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines, the Theatine Province of Brazil “Paul VI” has the honor to invite you to the Provincial Mass for the 500th anniversary of the Order of Clerics Regular Theatines. For those who cannot attend…

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  • New paintings on the General House

    By Community Manager

    The General House of the Theatine Order has new paintings, adorning the gallery and teaching us about Theatine Spirituality on the road to 500 years. Rodolfo Papa’s work continues to complete the painting cycle, in his words: “These two new paintings are one, of course the Coat of Arms which…

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  • 25th Priestly Anniversary of Father Ismael Correa Marin, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    Yesterday, July 3, 2024, an emotional Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated in Cali, Colombia on the occasion of the 25 years of priesthood of Father Ismael Correa Marín, C.R. The ceremony was a moment of deep spirituality and gratitude, highlighting Father Ismael’s dedication and service to the community and the…

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  • New Mission: CHALCO

    By Community Manager

    With the beginning of this July, the Theatines begin a new mission in Chalco, Mexico. At the initiative and under the supervision of the Order’s Prepositus General, fathers Joan Austria Reyes, CR of the Theatine Province of Mexico, Francisco Vaca, CR of the Theatine Province of the United States, and…

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