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  • United in prayer with our Theatine Sisters

    By Community Manager

    Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine Family, Yesterday, the communication from the General Secretary of the Theatine Religious of the Immaculate Conception reached this Secretariat, the news of the death of a sister from the community of Ficarazzi, in Sicily. We join in praying for the eternal repose of…

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    By Community Manager

    Dear brothers and friends of the Theatine Family, yesterday, the feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle, we received two pieces of news in this General Secretariat service that invite us to pray as a family. We transfer them to you as a gesture of charity, because we do not pray…

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  • Solemn Profession, in Brazil

    By Community Manager

    After completing his stage of formation in our Order, Brother José Lorenzo de María, CR, made the solemn vows to live all the days of his life dedicated to the Theatine charism to which God himself called him. It was held in the Bom Jesus Dos Palmares Parish, in a…

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  • Renouvellement des vœux, au Mexique

    By Community Manager

    La semaine dernière, au Sanctuaire de San Cayetano, à CDMX (Mexique), notre Frère Humberto González Chavarria, C.R., a renouvelé ses vœux temporaires lors d’une célébration présidée par le Rév.P. Héctor Ricardo Ledesma Rubio, CR, supérieur provincial du Mexique. Priez pour la vocation de notre frère Humberto ! Teatinos en México

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  • Mass sending Fr. Tacilio F. Gomes, CR to Portugal

    By Community Manager

    Last September 14, memory of the 498th anniversary of the foundation of the Order, our dear Father Tacilio, CR said goodbye to his parish and his Province to start a new Theatine mission in the diocese of Évora, Vendas Novas (Portugal). ). Together with Fr. Antonio M. Delmiro, CR, they…

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  • Renewal of vows, in Ibirité (MG-Brazil)

    By Community Manager

    Last September 14, in memory of the founding of our Theatine Order, in the Bom Jesus dos Palmares Parish, in the city of Ibirité (MG-Brazil), Brother Gustavo Corrêa Gabriel, C.R. He renewed his religious vows. The Celebration was presided over by the Pastor and Provincial Priest of Brazil, Rev.P. Rafael…

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  • Renewal of Vows, in Guadalajara

    By Community Manager

    Last September 14, memory of the founding of our Theatine Order, at the Saint Cajetan Formation House, in Guadalajara (Jalisco), the Renewal of Vows took place for Brothers Victor Rosales Martínez, Salvador Alejandro Maldonado Torres, Sebastián López Ortega and Luis Alberto Pacheco León, CC.RR. The Celebration was presided over by…

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  • First Religious Profession, in Naples

    By Community Manager

    Last September 14, in memory of the founding of our Order, in the Basilica San Paolo Maggiore (Naples), the Theatine novices: Juan Gómez Jiménez, Pablo González Robles and Juan Jesús Campos Garduño (all from the Theatine Province of USA) and Rosario Calvaruso (from the Theatine Province of Italy), made their…

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