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  • BLESSED JOHN MARINONI, C.R. – 12 December

    By Community Manager

    PRAYER OF BLESSED JOHN MARINONI My lord, I come to you because you are my life and the glory I wish to attain. You, Lord, keep my heart, rule and govern my mind, direct my intellect, Raise my love up to heaven for you, because, for your sake, I bear…

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  • General Postulation (VI): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    John Marinoni, is sent, together with Cajetan, to found in Naples. And there he will be until 1562. His life remains silent and hidden, full of humility, but rich in activity and good. In the Confessional he healed souls, in hospitals he mitigated the sufferings of the body. He visited…

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  • General Postulation (V): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    In Venice, Marinoni had before him a splendid ecclesiastical career, but his vocation will be charity towards the material needs of the poor and the service of the sick. He was a spiritual priest and full of kindness. Apostle of good He is the good and faithful servant. It is…

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  • General Postulation (IV): Cause of James Torno, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    Dear brothers and friends of the Order of Theatine Clerics Regular, we are pleased to inform you that the Episcopal Conference of Campania has approved the Cause of James Torno, a Theatine priest. Let us pray to the Lord that Fr. Torno, bring to faith and holiness all the faithful…

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  • General Postulation (III): Blessed John Marinoni, C.R.

    By Community Manager

    BLESSED JOHN MARINONI, C.R. (1490-1562) Biographical Notes Blessed John Marinoni was born in Venice on December 24, 1490, of an illustrious family, from whom he received an excellent religious, moral and cultural education. He studied Civil and Ecclesiastical Law in Padua. Ordained a priest, his gifts of piety and culture…

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  • General Postulation (II)

    By Community Manager

    GENERAL POSTULATION (II) Continuing on in the “Humilitas” collection, which aims to make available to the reader the treasure represented by the works of Saint Andrew Avelino, Theatine Priest, we come to this booklet n.16 where the Saint offers us a reflection on the greatest of the commandments. Always looking…

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  • General Postulation (I)

    By Community Manager

    GENERAL POSTULATION The 500th anniversary of the Foundation of our beloved Order of Regular Clerics (Theatines) is approaching. In order to better prepare ourselves for such a historic date, this Postulation, by indication of our Father General, will take care to encourage the members of our Order and all the…

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